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Christi's Story

Writer's picture: Midland Birth CenterMidland Birth Center

I called my doula, Shea, around 3:45 a.m. to let her know I was in labor. At this point, I was having some cramping and mild contractions were starting. She told me to try and rest, let labor pick up naturally, and that we would touch base first thing in the morning. HA! 

After hanging up with her, I had another huge gush of fluid and went to sit on the toilet. I decided to call my mom and dad to have my mom get on the road to Midland. While I was on the phone, I felt my contractions start to feel stronger and they became every 4 minutes apart. I got in the shower and started contracting every 3 minutes, having stronger back labor, and needing to make noise to cope through them. I was in denial that things could be progressing that quickly. At this point, I told Nick that I wanted to be at the Birth Center and I felt like I was reaching a point where coping with the contractions was becoming difficult. He called Courtney and she said to meet at the Birth Center in around 15 minutes to check my progress. 

I moved into the bedroom and braced myself on the counter there during the next couple of contractions while Nick was trying to get us ready to go. I began to hear myself grunt and growl through contractions and knew that meant that my body was preparing to push and she would be coming soon. I told Nick to call Courtney back and tell her to just come to the house instead because there was not time to go to the Birth Center. 

I began to feel pressure and her head descend into my pelvis. I started to feel some fear in this moment and asked Nick who was coming and when they would get to the house. He assured me everyone was on the way. I moved to kneel at the end of our bed with one arm braced on the floor and one arm braced on the bed. With the next contraction I began to feel the “ring of fire” and told Nick she was coming now. Courtney was on speaker phone telling Nick to get towels and to prepare to deliver the baby. I reached down but couldn’t feel her crowning yet. The next contraction came and all I could do was hold on, scream, and ride the ride I was on. I could now feel her crowning. Next contraction I felt her head be born. There was a slight pause of relief. Next contraction her body passed through and was brought fully into the world into her Daddy’s hands. The most beautiful sound came when she immediately cried. Nick handed her up to me and I saw that she was already becoming pink. I held her on my chest in what I am guessing was complete shock. 

Right at this moment, Michelle walked in. She and Nick got me positioned on the floor with pillows and towels. Cortni & Courtney arrived next and began to assess the status of my bleeding, placenta, and if repair was going to be needed. Katy arrived next with all of the supplies. A lot of pain started to come from stinging in my vagina and cramping in my uterus. Michelle sat by my head and whispered to me to breathe and ride the waves. She turned on worship music to listen to distract me and help calm my tense body. My placenta was delivered around 20 minutes after and the repair began after that. Shea arrived later that morning to join the party. During this time, I can only reflect on the fact that I was covered and surrounded. Nick, Michelle, Cortni, Courtney, Katy, and Shea all caring for me while I laid there with my baby suckling on my chest. A moment of continued pain but so much peace and holiness.

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Offering out-of-hospital birth, and birth center services to Midland, Odessa, Andrews, Big Spring, Lamesa, Seminole, Stanton, Crane, Rankin, Fort Stockton, Marfa, Alpine, Texas and Hobbs, Eunice, New Mexico.


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